Come Join Us!

October 30th through November 2nd 2008

Honolulu Hawaii

Register By Phone


For your convenience we have added registration by phone. Just like with the airlines the cheapest prices are on the web, but we know many of you hate that darn blasted computer. So for $15 bucks (US) you can foil that dreaded online registration process and just make a phone call to a real live person. If they are busy just leave a message and they will call you back. Specify your time zone, the best time to call, and of course your phone number. This applies to individual registrations only. For Chorus and quartet registration it is still only available online. Find a good bari and they will be able to help you.

Toll Free in the US call 1-866-483-0171

For international calls it’s 1-303-530-4907
