Come Sing Barbershop with us In Hawaii October 30th through November 2nd 2008 Honolulu Hawaii


Come join us for the 5th Pan Pacific Convention

Make your plans now to be part of the Great Pacific Harmony 2008 Pan Pacific Convention. Planning for the fifth Pan Pacific Convention is well underway. The convention will be October 30th 2008 through November 2nd 2008 in Honolulu Hawaii. The Sounds of Aloha chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society (SPEBSQSA) will be the host chapter.

The Pan Pacific Convention is designed to be a barbershop competition and fun filled event for barbershoppers who reside on the Pacific Rim. For the purpose of the competition this is defined as: New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Alaska, and Hawaii. Parts of the Far Western District and parts of the Evergreen District border on the Pacific. In the Far Western District this is Divisions’ 1 SCW, 2 SCE, and 3 NCW. In the Evergreen District this is Division’s I, II, and IV. If you are part of this geography please make your plans to join us and compete in 2008. If you are not, come join us for a Barbershop Vacation in Hawaii and enjoy the fun.

The Sweet Adeline’s International 2008 convention is in Honolulu the following weekend. You can take in two fun filled barbershop events for the price of one air fare and enjoy paradise all at the same time.

For further information e-mail or go to the web sites

Don Raymond

Chairman Great Pacific Harmony-2008 Pan Pacific Convention